One of our worldrhino teammate was in Japan for the World Rhino day celebrated all around the world between the 22nd and the 25th of September. Here’s what she found out!
“It is unbelievable but we made paper from rhino dung at Kanazawa Zoo, in Yokohama. The dung used for this workshop was the one that was “lovely gifted” from young rhino bull Champ.champ1

Champ is a 2 years old Indian rhino born in Kanazawa Zoo; actually he lives in Akiyoshidai Safariland in
Yamaguchi (JP) and as far as we can see he seems to be really fine there!


We have collected his dung for this workshop before starting.

We are happy to have Champ anytime with us through his paper!

Yes, it seems a crazy thing to do, but it has a deep meaning: the purpose of this event is to let know zoo visitors that dung from a living rhino is much more valuable than the horn from a killed rhino.”
For further reading you can check here -> (Japanese)
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