With deep sadness, we have to report that Southern White Rhino Sam, 44 years old, was euthanized on Wednesday, 25 October 2017, at Toledo Zoo (Ohio,USA).
The hard decision was made after several months of declining health. In the last weeks, Sam had urinary issues and during the very last days Sam was having problem in defecating.
Keepers did such a great job in keeping him in good health during his last venerable years: Sam’s food was modified in order to help him chowing, even with worn teeth, and his surrounding was adjusted to keep him comfortable. They also kept him moving, gave him special formulated bath to assure skin healt and pay particular attention to his feet.

Sam came to Toledo Zoo from Philadelphia in 1984, the same period of his old companion, Lulu, a female Southern White Rhino that died of old age in 2016. The two had a strong bond, even if they never produced offsprings, and after Lulu’s death, Keepers paid extra attention to Sam. He did fairly well, they assured, even better than they thought.

Sam was one of bull Mandhla’s son, one of the most prolific guy in North America. Unfortunately, very few of Mandhla’s offsprings reproduced during the years.

A spokeman for the zoo said that there are intentions to bring an Indian Rhinoceros at Toledo. The specific individual has not been selected yet, but he or she should come between now and next spring.

For further reading here

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