After seven long and troubled months, Indian Rhino Himal was euthanized in Montgomery Zoo and Mann Wildlife Learning Museum (Alabama, USA) on Friday, 21st February.

Even if he was under great care from the medical staff of the facility, causes of his decline are still to be assessed.

Himal was born back in 1996 at Smithsonian National Zoological Park (Washington, USA) and was transferred to Montgomery Zoo in 2008. Since 2013 he was the only Indian Rhino residing at the Zoo.

This guy had 5 calves during his life, of which only 3 are still alive and are all females. Between late months of 2019 and early 2020 Himal became grand-dad two times: his daughter Hellary gave birth to calf Marshall and his other daughter Tensing gave birth to a female calf, still unnamed. Curiously, but it is not casual because breeding is carefully managed by other important organizations such the SSP in USA, the calves share the same dad, male Jontu.


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