It’s with true sadness that we report the death of Zambezi. The Black Rhino, raised in Port Lympne (UK), was to be moved in Tanzania alongside 5 more animals. He was to be transfered in Grometi Reserve but, due to still unreported causes, he died during the trip.

Zambezi had already sufficed his job in Europe, since he already fathered 3 calves, and was one of the chosen to be sent back in his natural environment to help with the resettlement process. Unfortunately things didn’t went as expected.

It is a huge loss and it raises a dilemma: of course all the various projects in zoos in Europe have, as final aim, to help preserving the popoluation of this endangered species, but pros and cons of transfers have to be weighted carefully to avoid this kind of accident to happen, since they feel like a real wasted opportunities

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