On 18 May 2018 Batu Secret Zoo (Indonesia) received its first ever Indian Rhino. Bertus was a star at Edinburgh Zoo (UK) where he lived for the last 8 years. Negotations to bring him to Indonesia began in 2015 and Batu Secret Zoo gained the trust of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria to house a precious European-born Indian Rhino. The zoo announced that it is planning on importing a female Indian Rhino to accompany Bertus in the future. Bertus journey was carefully planned: he was driven from Scotland to Luxembourg where he flew on a Qatar Boeing to Indonesia. Two vets and two air company specialists joined him on board to guarantee to ensure his safety and comfort.

Two young Indian rhino males will occupy Edinburgh’s empt exhibit in the next month. The first one is Qabid, a two and a half year old male born in Belgium; the second one is unknown, but we suppose it could be the male born in 2016 in Beauval (FR), called