With heavy hearts we report the death of Southern White Rhino lady Doris, from Hodenhagen (DE). The Serengeti Park announced her death on 5 July 2019. According to official sources Doris was born ~1969  in the wild: she was one of the last wild rhinos living in captivity in Europe. Most of the other rhinos coming from Southern Africa come from semi-captivity, since they grew up in sort of big ranches.

Doris contributed greatly to the living rhino population in Europe since she had a lot of calves: 13 on official records of which 4 are still alive in Europe and another, called Kai was released in Etosha National Park in Namibia in 1996

Another important fact is that Doris had her last calf around 36 years of age, which is pretty old for calving: most of female rhinos stops breeding at 30 years.

In January 2018 Doris had her first tooth operation because of tartar, with an examination longer than 2 hours from a specialized veterinary.

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