We are delighted to share the news about a new Southern White Rhino birth in Schmiding (AT): there are at least three reasons to be ecstatic about this news!

  1. The baby is a female and at the moment in Europe the number of male calves is much higher than the female ones.
  2. She was born from a first time mom, whom is one of the few females born in captivity following the big importation in mid-2000 from the wild. Her name is Renette, she is 8 years old and she’s of great genetic value, since her mum Noëlle and her dad Christian had no other calves!
  3. Renette is the third female in a breeding herd of which the other two components gave birth the past year. It’s great to see that a breeding crash is so equilibrated that all the females are able to breed: it’s really a huge success for the European reproduction program!

The calf was born on 28 January during the night, she’s healthy and will meet with her two half-brothers, Nio and Taio, in the future.
Her father is bull Brutus; she’s not visible yet to the public but she will be when the temperature will be warmer.

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