More rhino babies on the way! A new baby rhino has just been delivered at Australia Zoo (AU). The calf is a Southern White Rhino and has been named Carrie. She was born on 4 December 2018 to mum Inyeti. A little wobbly at first, Carrie gained courage few moments after birth and then she was pacing with her tiny legs around the box under the watchful eye of second-time mum Inyeti, as you can see in this video .

It is a fantastic news that Inyeti has given birth smoothly to her second calf. Her first one was a female called Mango that was born in 2013. We were a little bit anxious about Inyeti and her chances to became a mother again, since the other female rhino at the facility, prolific cow Caballe, seemed to suppress her. Instead, Australia Zoo Staff has done a great job and a new baby from Inyeti has come!

Carrie’s dad should be the male rhino Ganini (DJ).


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