On 29 August 2017 Copenaghen Zoo (DK) announced big changes amongst its Southern White Rhinos herd. The younger rhino, male Pilan, took a three week period of training to gain confidence with a transport crate. This morning keepers were relived when he showed no signs of distress while the door was closed behind him, even if on Monday he was given a sort of spray-drug to keep him calm. Everything went well and he is heading to Holland, in Beekse Bergen Safari Park (NL). We are not sure if he will stay there of he will be transferred to another facility and will starts his new life as a bachelor.

Meanwhile Pilan’s mom Minna and dad Curt are expecting within few weeks their second child. Not only this big news, but even the other rhino female Zuri, almost six years old, is expecting a baby for the first time! She is supposed too to give birth in the next months.

Original announcement here

We just completed their personal ID, but we lack their pictures. Please contact us at info@worldrhino.com if you happen to have one!

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