At Taronga Western Plains Zoo (AU) Southern Black Rhino Mesi is almost 5 months old. Her name was choosen by Keepers following an intern vote. Her name means “smoke” in South African Sotho language and it is a bit different from all the other Black Rhinos ones. It also reflects  the native land of the species, so Keepers thought it was perfect. At the moment, Mesi and her mother Kufara are doing very well. Keepers are continuing the interations with the little calf, so that she will accept any manipolation she might need in the future.


Other Black Rhinos, other names! Chester Zoo‘s pair got their names few times after the birth. Kitani‘s daughter received the name Hazina, which means “treasures” in Swahili, while Zuri‘s boy received the name Ike, which means “powerful”.

Tallin zoo‘s first ever baby Black Rhino receives her name after a long votation. Zoo Officials asked public to submit their hint for her name. The rules were few: the name had to remember a piece of Africa, it also had to have a connections with the parents’ names (both beginning with “KI”) and had to be internationally understandable. The winner name is Kibeta; an original one which remembers an African location in Tanzania, near Lake Victoria.

Ree Safari Park (DK) announced today the name for baby Bashira and Thabo‘s girl. Public had to vote amoung five opportunities and the winner name is Shaya. Shaya was the name of a precious Bloodhound that lost life recently, but gave an enormous contribution for the Rhino protection in South Africa.


Nothing to say, but nice and original names!

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