He was born on 3 January 2018 at 20:39 in Copenaghen Zoo (DK) to first-time mum Zuri. His father is Southern White Rhino bull Curt.
The delivery was smoothly, the baby was on his feet few after his birth and he was seen pacing around his box wobbling on his tiny legs. Mum Zuri acted perfectly, she was following her newborn, keeping an attentive eye on him, probably trying to understand what to precisely do with the little one. Anyway, the following morning the calf was sucking from Mum while she was calmly crunching her hay: things seems to be promising!

During the process, almost 3 months old Minna’s calf and his Mum were curiously observing things going on from their own box.

You can check Zuri’s calf picture on the Zoo Official Facebook page here or directly observe their interaction trough the webcams Zoo has installed!

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