Do you remember White Rhino bull Otzee? We talked about him here.

Givskud (DK) announced on 27 January 2017 that big changes occured in the previous months. Otzee had a low quality of his semen due to multiple factors. One of them was an old Male Cape Buffalo that was dominant over Otzee. Removed this issue, Otzee quality of sperm improved. Zoo Officials are helping him with alimentary integration that would hopefully help him more.

Moreover, for male Otzee came a surprise that he gladely accepted, as you can see here. Female Mazumba, born in 2007 in Blair Drummond (UK), arrived to Givskud, Zoo announced on 2 February. Mazumba is really young but has already had two healthy calves in Beekse Bergen (NL). It is hoped that Mazumba would provide for offspring with Otzee. At Givskud still reside three other females, Enkeling/Inger, Samia and the older one, Sophie.

Emily, that has lived in Givskud for more than 12 years, has been moved recently to Emmen (NL). She joins the Facility other two residents, male Gus/Flannery and female Zahra. Emily is 32 years old, maybe too old to give birth again (she had one calf in 1990, Emmi) – even if there are records about Dams older than her to have succesfully given birth – , but her role is really important among the herd. White Rhino are not solitary as the Black and the Indian ones: to stimulate breeding, White Rhino females should be kept together.

Otze’s story here

Mazumba and Emily’s arrival here 



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